Thanks to everyone for coming to our performances! The Newtown Odyssey team is grateful to Newtown Creek Alliance, North Brooklyn Community Boathouse, Amant, our volunteers, our performers, and our production team for making this project possible.
Hello Boaters!
Please find important information about the show below!
The Newtown Odyssey Opera is located at the Plank Road Public Shoreline in Maspeth, Queens at 7:15 pm on September 9 and 10
If you want to launch from Plank Road, we are setting up a floating dock. Please plan on launching at 6pm and boating around for a little while until the performance which starts at 7:15 (there is plenty of stuff to explore and there might be some friends out in the water! If you miss that window from 6:00-6:30 you might not be able to launch because the big NBCB canoes will launch at 6:30 and after that, the dock becomes a stage. Also, there might be a line of boats that want to exit at the Plank Road dock after the show, so plan on hanging out for a bit.
- Every vessel including canoes, kayaks and row boats operated in NYS must have on board one USCG approved wearable life jacket for each person aboard.
The performance ends after dark, so you will need a light in the boat. All boats are required to have a 360-degree white light, so please have a well-charged flashlight and/or headlamp of lamp if you don't have lights on your boat.
If you arrive from somewhere other than Plank Road, please check in with the NCA GUIDEBOAT (a 14ft johnboat) or JEAN BARBERIS (in an aluminum canoe). They will show you the path that the action will follow and tell you the signals if we have to move.
Newtown Creek is a significant maritime industrial area and barges and tugboats do transit through the area where the Odyssey is occurring. There will be two safety boats on either side of the performance that will be monitoring radar and radio to know if/when a tug boat may be approaching Plank Road. Please be aware while viewing within the navigational channel and be ready to quickly move towards the shoreline if instructed to by one of the safety boats or North Brooklyn Community Boathouse Big Canoes. Please do not anchor in the channel.
Everything you need to be comfortable in the boat for a few hours. The show lasts a little over an hour, but it will take time to get in and out of the creek.
Newtown Creek is a superfund site with poor water quality further into the Creek, avoid contact with the sediments and limit exposure to surface waters.
The performance travels down the shoreline of Newtown Creek for about 200 feet. In paddle craft, you will have the best seats in the house! If anyone has a motor, we will ask you to stay behind the paddlers.
Please check the website homepage at 2pm the day of your show for show status. If the performance is canceled due to weather, the rain plan will be posted there on the site's homepage.
Thank you so much for supporting us! We look forward to seeing you at the performance.
From the Newtown Odyssey Team