A floating opera set on an industrial canal in New York City.
“The barge carried acoustic equipment and was festooned with fluorescent light sticks and suspended jetsam that clinked and chimed. A woman on board held a flute. Another turned out to be a soprano, who sang, “Welcome to the most polluted waterway in America!” The show—“Newtown Odyssey: A Floating Opera”—had begun.”
-Talk of the Town, The New Yorker, Oct. 2, 2023
Photo: Saeid Janaati
Photo: Saeid Janaati
“The artist Marie Lorenz, musician Kurt Rohde, and librettist Dana Spiotta have crafted a mytho-historic voyage in which location and audience are protagonists along with the performers. Waste and toxicity inflect the musical ebb and flow; scientists, developers, a ghost, and a Creek Being drive the narrative.“
-David Humphrey, Bomb Magazine
Newtown Odyssey performed to sold-out crowds at the Plank Road Public Shoreline and Amant Foundation on September 9th and 10th, 2023. We thank Creative Capital, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Newtown Creek Alliance, and the North Brooklyn Community Boathouse for supporting our project. For a full list of our supporters, collaborators, volunteers, and performers, please read our program. Read more about the performance here!